Saturday, December 24, 2011

Asking the question---DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE DEAD?

I have been watching so many groups over the past year get so wrapped up in trying to show themselves off as experts when they get a voice.  They seem to think that it is enough if they get one more voice than someone else.  So many seem to think that they can say ANYTHING to a spirit and not get a return investment.  This is so not true.  When you go to a specifically  haunted location, one that has been reported to be one of THE most haunted places,  you had better expect to get evidence, and voices, if you are one that the spirits will be able to trust.  Or you could get responses directly related to your efforts.  How long is it going to take for the general investigator to see that it is NEVER enough to just get reactive communication.  It is the obligation of the true investigator to attempt to gain insight into the desire of the spirit, and to assist it to reach the next destination if possible. 

Recently I have been to several of the known haunted locations in our country again.  To Waverly Sanitarium, the Trans Allegheny Asylum, and the Knickerbocker Hotel.  This does not even include our own haunted school in Bluefield West Virginia, and the infamous Landmark Antique shop also there.  I have seen activity in places for years that is supposed to be related to ghost activity.  So as a true dedicated investigator, do you go to a place for a family, or a business owner, just to get voices and impress? Or do you go to help the individuals understand more about their situation, and help them cope and understand.  Who are you?  How are you with the spirits? Why are you there, and what is your intention?  Here is my side of what a true investigator will be, what he will attempt to do, what he is there for, and ultimately what he may be responsible for. 

You meet a spirit.  In a place where they have been reported for years.  What is your first question?  How do you introduce yourself?  Do you try to know WHO the spirit is immediately?  

Forget the attempt to be dramatic.  Gain as much information as possible before you enter a haunted location, and then stop and introduce yourself.  See if you can gain the immediate trust , see if you can build rapport.  SEE WHO YOU REALLY ARE.  Should you get the attention of the spirit, then this is where this blog starts.  Do you immediately go to probing the spirit with question after question?   No.  NO.  N O .  I speak for myself now, so I say that i attempt to get the spirit to stay close to me for a short time, and feel the non threatening manner I give them.  I tell them after a few minutes I would want them to walk and talk with me, as a typical friend would.  I NEVER go right into a question.  The spirit will know you through and through immediately, and you will be judged.  They have seen people for longer than most of us have been around, they know us.  

So have you gained trust at this point?  The FIRST thing I ask them is to try to trust that I am there for them and not myself.  RESPECT is of the utmost importance.  If they stay with me on emf meter for a few moments, and I feel they are able to not feel threatened, then I ask them how they are, and if they would like me to do anything for them.  Remember you are there for them.  I want to find out of they are going through the motions of their former life, or stranded in a place of middle ground, neither here nor there, Purgatory, if you will.  

You do NOT want to shock them with something if they have rapport with you.  To get to the place where you can get the most impactful response,  you want to have the patience of Job.  

To my spirits, the ones I know,  I will not get into even a second night with them if they do not know I am not there for me.  They know me, and discuss things.  It has been evidenced on numerous investigations and ghost tours.  To ask the most honest question, you have to be in a place to feel as if someone is asking that of you.  

DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE DEAD?  How would you feel if you were lying in a hospital bed from a car accident, and someone came in and asked you if you were in a car wreck.  What would you respond like if someone asked you a painfully obvious question ?  Think from a point of respect, and you will be able to ask this, and in most cases not damage your rapport with the spirit.  But what if you make a mistake and ask this, and it upsets the spirit?  What do you do?    Watch your equipment, and trust your senses.  When you ask this,  do you feel a change in the atmosphere?  Do you feel the spirit go from person to mist, or vapor?  Remember when you anger a living being, you can see it on them.  You do not have the ability to see that in a spirit, you have to absolutely trust your instincts, and your senses.   So did you get an immediate response?  If you did, was it that they knew they were dead, or did NOT realize they had passed on.   Here is where we each are different.  This is the point where the true investigator will get responses.  This is where the human can gain ultimate control of the situation, if the trust remains after you get this specific answer from the spirit.  

So NOW you have the most important life moment of the spirit in your knowledge.  There can be no more blatant and honest trust between the human and the ghost.  This is the one moment when you have to decide who you really are, and what you really want to do, either TO the spirit, or FOR the spirit.  Will you ask them to take your hand and walk out of the place they are lost?  Who are you going to be at the single most important moment in a ghosts life?

My plea to you is respect the spirit at all times.  No matter what.  Respect can even keep a demon at bay momentarily, until you can get the proper personnel and assistance.  There is nothing more important to a spirit than them feeling that you are there truly to help them.  Relate it to the dog so happy you fed it that he runs and jumps at you to lick you and be happy.  Or when the cat eats all the choice food you put out for it, and then comes to you in nuzzling thanks, and you know that for that day you did nothing more important than assist your loved one.  relate it any way you wish,  just understand that I have been to spirit places and seen how the spirit are so untrusting because of the previous investigators.  What one investigator or team does, leaves an impression with the spirits, and they will see the next group much more warily, and trust will have to be rebuilt.  You are INVESTIGATORS, your actions have an impact on the rest of the other investigators.   In a place where tours are given weekly, or even nightly,  the ghosts watch every living being pass by, and will only single out a few to respond to, and possibly not even so that the human knows it.  

Be the person the spirit needs.  Concentrate on compassion, and conviction.  SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, and MEAN WHAT  YOU SAY.  We CAN learn from each other, if we remember we go to the haunted places to help the spirits, and not to just put them on display.  Forget the competition,  and feel the rapport.  We are here for a time, and then we move on.  Leave the energy peaceful in your wake, and we can all help each other, and gain the answers we have been seeking for so many years.

My blog, my words, and you know me.  I am true to the spirits and their distress.  Few can run with me down the ghost path.  I am very intense, and if you do not have compassion and conviction, the spirits will not feel you as a friend.  BE REAL, FOR THE SPIRITS.  PLEASE, JUST BE REAL..............................................  

1 comment:

  1. Mark,
    I have been on enough investigations with you to know that there has been more than one spirit that you have enabled to move on. We have found spirits that knew they had passed, but did not know where to go. We have met some that have returned to find someone. And we have met some that when asked if they knew they were dead, it was as if we insulted them and we had no more conversation that night.
    I feel that if you return week after week, and really try to understand them, you gain their respect. How many times have we seen in the Landmark that the "girls" will be receptive with you and have little to do with anyone else? Proof enough for me to know you have to build up a good rapport.
