Monday, December 12, 2011

Most Excellent Information!

Einstein’s Laws & Ghost Existence

Ghost Hunters often go at night in old buildings, abandoned properties and cemeteries looking for ghosts along with their electronic equipment that they think can help them find ghostly energy.

Are ghosts real? This question remains unanswered as there is no good proof that ghosts exist. Some ghost hunters think that modern physics provides support for the presence of ghosts. Particularly from that of Albert Einstein, who is one of the most respected scientists of all time.

Ghost researcher John Kachuba wrote on his book that Einstein demonstrated that all the energy of the universe is constant; cannot be created and destroyed. According to Einstein, the energy will transform into another form of energy upon dying based on the theory that it cannot be destroyed. Therefore, the new energy will form. Could it be this newly form energy becomes a ghost?

It is noted that when humans are still alive, electrical energies are present in the body. These energies cause the heart to beat and make breathing possible. So, what will happen to these energies when human dies?

The answer may be simple and not that complicated. When person dies, the energy in the body goes into the environment just like any other organisms. After a person dies his/her energy will be released in the form of heat and the animal that will eat that person will get the energy. The plants that absorb the body of the deceased person will also get the energy and if that person is being cremated, his/her energy will be released in the form of heat and light.

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